Flat Friends 2011

We made flat friends after reading the book Flat Stanley. Then we mailed our flat friends along with a letter to people we knew asking them to take them on an adventure and write us back telling us about it. Here is where our flat friends traveled to:

Friday, April 1, 2011

Our Champs Assembly winners today were…
Ethan, Yahir & Renee!

Today was April Fool’s Day and lots of April Fool’s jokes were attempted. This, however, was no joke. Our class won the coveted Golden Fork award for being the best behaved class at lunch in the Primary school this week. Way to go guys!
Screen shot 2011-04-01 at 3.45.18 PM

Sharing Our Spooky Stories in the Nature Center

After the weather finally cleared up we were able to go to the Nature Center and read our Spooky Stories to each other. As it turned out, we were reading them on the day students were allowed to wear costumes to school in honor of “Drugs Don’t Scare Us” day as part of the Red Ribbon Week Celebration. It was kind of fitting and lots of fun to get outside and read our Spooky Stories to each other in our costumes!

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