Reminder-Early Release Day

Just a friendly reminder…Students will be released early on Tuesday, March 5th.  Students will be released at 11 a.m. so that teachers may hold parent conferences in the afternoon. Please remember to make arrangements for your child this afternoon and let me know of any changes in their transportation plans.


CHAMPs Assembly

This Friday will be the first of this year’s CHAMPs assemblies.  Guess what else?!  We’re in charge of it!  If you’re new to White Oak Primary or didn’t know from last year, this is when each class is in charge of the assembly and teaching a character trait.  We will be doing a “rap” about self-control.  Parents are welcome to attend.  If you do, please wait for us and watch from the back of the cafeteria.  Students need to be here by 7:45 that day if at all possible.  Thanks so much!

Christmas Party

Just FYI…we will have new sign in procedures for the Christmas Party tomorrow.  Each parent will be required to sign in at the front of the 1st/2nd grade hallway.  There you will receive a white badge.  If you decide to take your student with you after the party, you will sign them out with me in the classroom.  Everyone will need to surrender their white badge when leaving the building so that we can be sure our building is clear at the end of the day.

Thanks for your help and understanding!