Pep Rally Guidelines

Yea! We’ve almost made it through our first week of school, and it has been a fantastic week so far! Tomorrow is our first Friday and along with that will come the first football game and pep rally. If you choose to take your child to the pep rally, here are some guidelines to remember:
*All students must have written permission from their parent or guardian each week to attend each pep-rally.

*Teachers will keep the parent notes and then send students to the cafeteria.

*Students with a note will be dismissed to the cafeteria at 2:40 on Fridays.

*2nd grade classroom teachers will notify the peripheral teachers of those students that will need to be dismissed early.

*Parents must enter through the Intermediate school entrance, sign out and pick your child up in the cafeteria

*Parents will not be sent down the hallway to pick up students from classes.

*Due to our dismissal time, it is not possible for Primary students to go to pep rallies as a group.

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