Sonic and have an exciting new program called Limeades For Learning. With your help, I can get the funding I need to inspire my students to learn.
Your part is simple. Just order any drink* at Sonic during September to get a vote code, and then go to to vote for my project. Sonic will donate more than half a million dollars to the projects that receive the most votes. But I need your help to make sure one’s mine!
Here’s the project I submitted:
It is called Rockin’ or Readin’? WE CHOOSE READING! The easiest way to find it is to click the banner on the side of this page. It will take you directly to our project. Also, you can search by location first under Texas and then under Gregg County.
Go to to learn more about it. And don’t forget to buy a drink and vote. Thanks for your help!
Mrs. Richeson